August 2023

Introducing Ronda Slater

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

🌟 Join the spotlight on our AMAZING Foothills Faculty! 🌟

Get ready to meet Ronda Slater, one of the incredible secretaries who keep our school running smoothly. Here are 5 Fun Facts that will make you adore her even more:

Introducing Britney Ware

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

Introducing Britney Ware! We are thrilled to have Britney as one of our exceptional Initial Skills Class Technicians, bringing her passion and dedication to our students. Here are five delightful fun facts about Britney that make her truly special:
1️⃣ When time permits, Britney enjoys scrapbooking. She cherishes the opportunity to preserve memories and unleash her creativity through this heartfelt and artistic hobby.