Introducing Britney Ware

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on
Spotlight Series

Introducing Britney Ware! We are thrilled to have Britney as one of our exceptional Initial Skills Class Technicians, bringing her passion and dedication to our students. Here are five delightful fun facts about Britney that make her truly special:
1️⃣ When time permits, Britney enjoys scrapbooking. She cherishes the opportunity to preserve memories and unleash her creativity through this heartfelt and artistic hobby.
2️⃣ As a proud mom, Britney finds immense joy in watching her boys play sports. Supporting them in their athletic pursuits and witnessing their growth and achievements on the field brings her tremendous pride.
3️⃣ Britney's daughter's passion for the performing arts has become a source of delight for her. She revels in watching her daughter perform in plays, taking pride in her talent and dedication.
4️⃣ Two furry friends have found a loving home with Britney. Her dogs bring companionship, joy, and wagging tails to her household.
5️⃣ Britney has always had a desire to help children learn and grow, and she is excited to be able to fulfill that calling in her role as a technician. Guiding and supporting students as they develop and reach their full potential brings her immense fulfillment.
We are incredibly fortunate to have Britney Ware as part of our team, sharing her love for scrapbooking, cheering on her children's endeavors, embracing the joy of the performing arts, cherishing her four-legged friends, and wholeheartedly dedicating herself to the growth of our students. Join us in giving her a warm welcome and get ready for an inspiring and successful journey together!
#FalconPride #SoaringToNewHeights #FoothillsFaculty #SpotlightSeries #IncredibleEducators #IntroducingBritneyWare #PassionateEducator #ScrapbookingEnthusiast #ProudSportsMom #TheaterCheerleader #MakingADifference