It's Kindness Week - Let's Sprinkle Kindness Everywhere!

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on
Kindness Week

We're kicking off Kindness Week this Monday with our special "Sprinkle Kindness" theme.

📝 Look out for our Kindness Checklist coming home with your kiddos. It's filled with simple acts of kindness they can do throughout the week. Plus, here's the best part – if they bring it back completed by Friday, they'll receive a special surprise!

Let's make kindness contagious! Every act matters a smile, a helping hand, or a kind word. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positivity and compassion in our community. 💖

Get ready to spread kindness like confetti! # falconpride #SprinkleKindness #KindnessWeek #SpreadLove