Introducing Rebecca Tasker

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on
Spotlight Series

Introducing Rebecca Tasker!
We are thrilled to have Rebecca as one of our resource teachers, bringing her expertise and passion for education to our students. Here are five delightful fun facts about Rebecca that make her truly remarkable:
1️⃣ Rebecca's family holds a special place in her heart. She has been happily married for 25 years and is blessed with six children. Excitingly, she is also expecting the arrival of her granddaughter this week! The joy of family and the anticipation of new life fill her days with love and happiness.
2️⃣ Although born in Canada, Rebecca moved to the United States when she was eight years old. Growing up in Western Washington, she was shaped by the beauty and culture of the region, which influences her perspectives and enriches her teaching.
3️⃣ An extraordinary journey took Rebecca to China, where she had the opportunity to meet students she had taught English to online for over three and a half years. The cross-cultural connection and the bond formed through education were truly unforgettable experiences.
4️⃣ Rebecca's love for travel and spending quality time with her family shine through. Boating adventures and family trips create cherished memories and allow her to appreciate the wonders of the world. Additionally, she finds joy in quilting, reading, organizing, and treasuring time spent with friends.
5️⃣ Education has always been a passion for Rebecca. She earned her bachelor's degree in elementary education from BYU and furthered her academic journey by obtaining her master's degree from SUU. Her commitment to learning and growth is evident in her dedication to her students.
We are incredibly fortunate to have Rebecca Tasker as part of our team, sharing her love for family, diverse experiences, cross-cultural connections, travel adventures, and the pursuit of knowledge. Join us in giving her a warm welcome and get ready for an inspiring and successful academic year!
#FalconPride #SoaringToNewHeights #FoothillsFaculty #SpotlightSeries #IncredibleEducators #TeacherSpotlight #IntroducingRebeccaTasker #ResourceTeacherExtraordinaire #FamilyLove #CulturalConnections #TravelEnthusiast #LifelongLearner