Loveland Planet Aquarium visits 2nd Grade!

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

Second graders were so excited to have special visitors from Loveland Planet Aquarium.  They learned all about the rainforest by doing tree yoga to learn the different zones.  They met Skooch, a cave cockroach, Boots, a millipede, and Millie, a crested gecko.  They even got to pet Millie!  2nd graders were thrilled about the visit and couldn't wait to go home and tell their families the things they learned.

Elyssa Marzan

Second Graders Love Writing

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

Mrs. Hunter's class has been learning about nouns, verbs, and adjectives!  They have also been using these skills to write and illustrate complete sentences in their journals!  Students write about things that have really happened in their lives.

Alana Hunter