September 2024

SEP Conferences on September 26th

Submitted by angela.stoddard on

Our first SEP Conference of the school year will be Thursday, September 26th. SEP stands for Student Education Plan and is an opportunity for the student, parent, and teacher to meet together to discuss each student's achievements and goals. We hope to have 100% attendance for our first conference. Find your teacher or grade level below and click on the link to sign up for a time to come meet with your child's teacher. If you can't come to SEP night please reach out to the teacher to set up a different time to meet. 

PrinciPAL’s Lunch Club

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

These amazing kiddos made it to our very first PrinciPAL’s Lunch Club of the year! Great job showing what it means to work hard and be Falcon Strong! 🦅 Keep soaring high, Falcons!
#FalconStrong #TogetherWeFly

Sarah Ledingham

Ribbon Week: Constitution Day

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

Look at these cute Falcons who rocked their red, white, and blue to celebrate Constitution Day with YOU! 🇺🇸 Tomorrow, let’s soar in white spirit gear to show that we’ll stay safe all year! #FalconStrong #TogetherWeFly #RibbonWeek

Sarah Ledingham

Sydney’s Story

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

Shoutout to Sydney for her hard work and dedication! Not only did she earn the opportunity to read a book with Mrs. Stoddard, but she also went the extra mile and wrote her own book to share! 📚 We’re so proud of her creativity and determination! #FalconStrong #TogetherWeFly

Ribbon Week

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

The upcoming week of September 16th has a whole bunch of great things happening!

Angela Stoddard