Top TEN Tips for Raising Children with Special Needs

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

Top TEN Tips for Raising Children with Special Needs
Thursday, February 9, 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.

This class will go over parenting tips specific for parents of children with disabilities, including:
Grief with a new diagnosis or challenge
Dealing with crisis
Parenting Techniques that work
Advocating for your child
Controlling your level of stress
Dealing with unwanted advice
Having laughter and hope in the journey

Falcons SOAR Assembly

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

We held our January Falcons SOAR Assembly last week to celebrate all the great students and teachers we have in our school.

Our Top Claw Award recognizes our staff members that are going above and beyond to make a difference in our school. Congratulations to Mrs. Erickson, our Skills Coach, Miss Roberts, an Instructional Technician, Mrs. Kunz, a Kindergarten teacher, and Mrs. Nelson, a 5th grade teacher for winning the Top Claw Award this month.

Health Week was a Hit in First Grade

Submitted by sarah.ledingham on

Health week was a hit! Check out all these cute farmers in Mrs Clegg’s class who learned where their food comes from. The hoop hop activity was the highlight of the week for first grade. The kids hopped to meet up to play "ro-sham-bo", and then the winner advanced. There were lots of big smiles each day. 

Becky Clegg