Fifth-Grade Revolutionary War Readers' Theatre

Submitted by corallee.findlay on

The fifth-grade classes enjoyed doing reader's theatre about the Revolutionary War.  They performed "Tea Overboard" about the  Boston Tea Party, "The British are Coming!" about Paul Revere's Ride and "Molly Pitcher" which was about the Battle at Valley Forge.  The final theatre was from King George's point of view.  It was a fun and educational experience!

Jessica Hiatt

Fourth-Grade's Trip to the Symphony

Submitted by corallee.findlay on

What colors do you see when you listen to music? Foothill's fourth-grade had the opportunity to see the many brilliant colors created by the Utah Symphony. Conductor Valdimir Kulenovic instructed the students to envision music in terms of color. They could see relaxing blue when the Symphony performed Tchaikovsky's "Swan Lake.” We were taught that music is full of imagery.

Bridgette Cheever

December Fantastic Falcons

Submitted by corallee.findlay on



Lew AM: Myleigh Bigler, Ali Ewell, & McKell Iverson

Lew PM: Azlan Rothlin, Chelsey Hughes, & Gracie Edwards

Nelson AM: Megan Stone, Brock Mortensen, & Zoey Haskell

Nelson PM: Alivia Higginson, Alex Johnson, & Jessica Hunt


1st Grade: Burnah: Kate Richards, Bright Rasmussen, & Jade Gravely

Ward: Maggie Abbott, Hunter Smith, & Rilyne Keck

Hunter: Ashley Lawrence, Reed Kuhni, & Savannah Turner

Lundell: Max Degelbeck, Braxton Jacobson, & Marnie Briggs

Let the Games Begin!

Submitted by corallee.findlay on

During the month of December Mrs. Bushman's class studied about the ancient Greeks.  On Thursday and Friday, December 13 and 14th students participated in a 6th grade version of the Olympic Games.  Each group of 4 students were assigned a Greek city-state.  They created a flag and a group cheer to support each other in the athletic events. The events were "Thumb Wars", an RPS (rock-paper-scissors) competition, javelin throwing (plastic straws), discus toss, and a chariot race.   An opening ceremony and preliminary rounds were held on Thursday.

Maureen Bushman