Kindy 500

Submitted by corallee.findlay on

Kindergarten students have been busy making cars for the Kindy 500. They were issued a driver’s license and a key in preparation for a “road trip.” They traveled throughout the school visiting the Statue of Liberty, Mount Rushmore, Betsy Ross, Abraham Lincoln, and the White House. They had a great time learning more about this great country in which we live.


4th Grade County Fair

Submitted by corallee.findlay on

Fourth-grade students at Foothills Elementary participated in a county fair. Each student researched a county in Utah and presented it to parents, faculty and peers. Great job students!



Submitted by corallee.findlay on

Thanks for supporting our wrapping paper fundraiser. We finally earned enough money to dunk our principal. Hundreds of students were given a chance to dunk Mrs. Hunstman and many were successful. Even some of our teachers got in on the action. Click on the links below to watch the dunking!


Submitted by corallee.findlay on

Several athletes from BYU visited our fourth-grade students at Foothills Elementary. The Buff Don’t Puff program is run by the BYU Provo athletic department. Athletes from BYU take time to visit elementary classes in Utah county encouraging students to stay physically fit inside and out. These athletes have committed to keeping themselves physically fit and drug free. Students enjoyed participating in several activities.