Mrs. Youngs' 6th Grade Class Breakout Challenge

Submitted by corallee.findlay on

Mrs. Youngs' class used our mathematical and logical thinking skills to beat the Star Wars breakout room challenge. The students had 45 minutes to break out. All six groups finished with 11 minutes to spare. The treasure inside was the big news that Mrs. Youngs is having a baby. Thank you Mr. Charles Hanosek for putting the challenge together.

Jennelle Youngs

Student December Birthdays

Submitted by corallee.findlay on

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Students had the choice to have their picture taken in the PTA photo booth on the last Friday in November. If your child chose to have their picture taken, click on the link below to download their picture.


Gingerbread Houses

Submitted by corallee.findlay on

Students enjoyed decorating gingerbread houses with Principal Huntsman. Students were chosen for being kind to others and for following the school rules. Congratulations and Goooo Falcons!